This is a collection of Danish Wave Energy Converters (WECs).

Crestwing has been tested in the hydraulic laboratories in AAU (2008) and DHI (2010) and in scale 1:5 in real sea conditions in Frederikshavn. In 2015 Crestwing build a large 1:2 scale prototype Tordenskiold which is being tested at a test site is close to the Hirsholm islands in Kattegat, just outside Frederikshavn.
Tordenskjold is 30 meter long and 7,5 meter wide with a weight of 65 ton.
Crestwing converts the waves using the principle of a “hinged raft” composed of two pontoons connected with hinges. The rotation around the hinge is activating a power take off system developed by Crestwing and placed dry in a large engine room with easy access.
The plant is not visible from land even in park formation due to the low freeboard of the units.

The Exowave WEC element
The Exowave WEC element, also known as oscillating wave surge converter, extracts the kinetic energy available in the wave induced orbital water particles motion through a bottom-hinged flap.
The device is intended to be installed in waters up to 40 meters depth, allowing for boats to sail above the converter itself and ensuring zero visual impact.

Floating Power Plant A/S
Floating Power Plant A/S (FPP) develops floating wind platforms that integrates wave power.
FPP has successfully tested a grid connected ½ scale prototype over 2 years and is currently developing the technology for 3 commercial projects in Scotland, Wales and Ireland.
The projects are lead by project developer DP Energy.

LEANCON was tested in Nissum Bredning in the autumn of 2007.
A 24 meter wide model (photo) was built by the inventor Kurt Due Rasmussen funded by Energinet.dk.
The WEC is based on the principle of Oscilating Water Collumns OWC’s which in this case is collected to a few turbines via rectifying valves.
The only moving parts, besides the 8 turbines and generators, are the valves above the OWC tubes.
The WEC has been developed since 2003 starting with smale scale tests in own wave flume, via University of Aalborg .

Resen Waves
Resen Waves provide small scale 300W commercial off the shelf wave energy buoys for providing electric power and real-time data communication for instruments in the oceans, as a plug and play solution.
The buoys can be installed in water depths up to 200 m as standard and are designed for full ocean exposure. Specials on request for bigger water depth.
The technology is characterized by high efficiency, low weight and direct mechanical to electric drive with few moving parts.
Later the buoys could be scaled to 250kW to 500kW per buoy.

Wave Dragon
Wave Dragon was tested in Nissum Bredning in 2003 – 09. Wave Dragon is a floating device equipped with several hydro turbines. The installed power range is 1.5 to 12 MW.
At deployment sites with good wind resources wind turbines can double the yearly power production.

The technology is a surface attenuator using the wave surge to capture the wave energy. A chain of energy collectors is stretched between two anchored buoys. When waves roll along the energy collectors, plates are moved back and forth. The moving plates pump seawater into a pipe. The pipe leads the pressurised water to a turbine and/or a reverse osmosis system in a dry and easily accessible location for energy conversion and/or desalination.
In a consortium with Vryhof Anchors, Fiellberg and the Technical University of Denmark the Wavepiston prototype has been tested in the North Sea at the DanWEC test site outside Hanstholm, Denmark (2015 – 2019).
Wavepiston is currently preparing a full-scale demonstration at the PLOCAN test site in Gran Canaria (2019 – 2022).

WavePlane – converts the pulsating waves directly into a swirling rotating flow via large guide vanes without any moving parts.
Wave Plane was build and installed outside Hanstholm in 2008.

WaveStar has been testing a 1:10 machine since 2005 in Nissum Bredning, Denmark. It was taken out of duty in November 2011.
A 1:2 WaveStar machine in Hanstholm which has produced electricity to the grid since September 2009. After successful testing and data collection, the test machine was taken down in 2013.
In the future a full scale WaveStar with 20 point absorbers and float diameter ø=10m is rated with an effect of 6 MW in the North Sea.
The star configuration with 60 float has a rated effect of 18 MW and provides the possibility to add a wind turbine of 9 MW. In the Atlantic Sea and in the Pacific Ocean the rated effect of both configurations is 2-6 times higher.

WEPTOS has been tested in open-sea in Lillebælt (photo) in 2017.
It is a V‐shaped structure that absorbs the wave energy through a line of rotors (Salter Ducks), on each arm – which each transmits energy to a generator.
This gives a relatively smooth energy generation, suited for known generator solutions.
Weptos have completed test in small scale in AAU 2008, as well as large scale model tests in Spain 2011 and in Edinburg 2014.